Valentina Lorenzetti awarded prestigious $850,000 fellowship
10 JanuaryACU neuroscientist Valentina Lorenzetti has been awarded the prestigious 2022 Al & Val Rosenstrauss Fellowship.
Healthy Brain and Mind Research Centre
Mental health, brain-related, and developmental disorders have significant negative impacts upon the mortality and social participation of the most vulnerable members of the community and are among the most urgent global challenges of the 21st century.
HBMRC brings together three programs of research excellence in mental health, addiction neuroscience, and disability and development: Neuroscience of Addiction & Mental Health, mapping the clinical, cognitive, and brain mechanisms of addiction, substance use behaviours, and related mental health problems.
Program lead: Professor Valentina Lorenzetti
Development and Disability over the Lifespan (DDoL) research streams aim to improve the lives of individuals through participation and inclusion for living, learning, and working. We achieve this though knowledge creation, consumer engagement, and evidence-based implementation of care and services. Our research has a focus on healthy ageing, road safety, and individuals and families living with childhood onset or neurological health conditions.
Program lead: Professor Michael Cole
The PMI program focuses on understanding the fundamental psychological processes and mechanisms underlying human behaviour, cognition, and emotions that give rise to mental health problems and psychological wellbeing.
Program lead: Professor John Gleeson
The Centre is comprised of 35 members which includes 15 staff members and over 20 research students at Honours, Masters and PhD level. We are a multi-disciplinary team who make significant contributions to mental health, participation and well-being by integrating cutting edge research expertise and technology spanning neuroscience, addiction science, clinical psychology, developmental psychology and rehabilitation science to improve the understanding, prevention and treatment of mental health, brain-related and developmental disorders.
Centre Director and Program Lead, Psychological and Mechanisms and Innovations (PMI)
Deputy Director and Program Lead, Neuroscience of Addiction and Mental Health
Deputy Director and Program Lead, Disability and Development over the Lifespan
We are now accepting PhD applications from prospective domestic and international candidates for study commencing in Research Term C 2022. Applications close 11:59pm Friday 1st July 2022 AEST or until suitable candidates are identified.
Email: hbmrc@acu.edu.au
Psychology Offices
The Daniel Mannix Building
Level 5, 17 - 29 Young St
Fitzroy, 3065